Echo "*E[33mCan't find FONTS:Times/18*E[0m*N Install that font by copying it from your Extras disk."
If NOT EXISTS fonts:undef.font
Echo "*E[33mCan't find the undef.font class.*E[0m*N New font classes will have a blank character as the *"undef*" character."
echo "[Looking for some libraries]"
If NOT EXISTS libs:req.library
Echo "*E[33mCan't find libs:req.library*E[0m*N You will not be able to run the font editor!"
If NOT EXISTS libs:vfont.library
Echo "*E[33mCan't find libs:vfont.library*E[0m*N Nothing will work!"
If NOT EXISTS libs:iffparse.library
Echo "*E[33mCan't find iffparse.library.*E[0m*N Install the smalliffparse.library from the vFont package*E[0m*N or acquire the real thing from Workbench 2.0+."
if not exists libs:xdf_diskfont.library
Echo "*E[33mCan't find the xdf_diskfont.library.*E[0m*N You will not be able to load bitmap fonts with the vfont.library!"
if not exists libs:xdf_vfont.library
Echo "*E[33mCan't find the xdf_vfont.library.*E[0m*N You will not be able to load vfont fonts with the vfont.library!"
if not exists libs:xdf_pstype3.library
Echo "*E[33mCan't find the xdf_pstype.library.*E[0m*N You will not be able to load FontoGrapher fonts (Postscript)*N with the vfont.library!"
echo "[Looking for some programs]"
which >nil: COP
if warn
Echo "*E[33mCan't find the font editor.*E[0m*N You will not be able to run COP!"
which >nil: vmore
if warn
Echo "*E[33mCan't find the vMore program.*E[0m*n You will not be able to use the *"SHOW EXAMPLE*"-menu*N in the font editor."